
Top Healthcare Trends for 2021 and Beyond

SUMMARY OF TOP HEALTH CARE TRENDS TO WATCH IN 2021 & BEYOND **CustomInsured recently published an extensive report detailing health care trends to watch in 2021 and beyond.  Below is a summary of the results.  Please contact us at for a copy of the complete report.** TELEMEDICINE & CONCIERGE DOCTOR The introduction of a pandemic has introduced the need to be able to get health care remotely.  Telemedicine offers on demand remote care for all non acute needs.  Concierge doctors provide a more comprehensive level of care including full background workup, customized preventative plans, patient advocacy and more. VACCINE ROLLOUT Over the course of 2021, the world will see billions of people vaccinated for COVID-19.  Some countries will handle the rollout better than others, with the US having one of the most rapid rollouts of all countries so far. PRECISION MEDICINE New advances in pharmaceuticals. . .mRNA messenger drugs can actually teach th

Large Employer's Case Study and Design

The BGH Large Employer’s Care Strategy and Plan Design Survey solicited information about employer approaches to health care & benefits in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Below are the key findings cited: -There’s been a 66% increase since 2018 in the share of companies stating that their healthcare strategy is an integral part of the workforce, with only 6% saying that healthcare is viewed separately from a workforce strategy. -80% believe virtual care will have a significant impact on how care is delivered in the future and 53% plan to implement more virtual care solutions. -36% plan to expand access to mental health services. -24% plan for a more focused strategy on high-cost claims -31% plan to drive the delivery system change approach and won’t wait to implement it -Only 19% of employers plan to take a wait-and-see approach when it comes to approaching health care delivery reform. Moving forward, more businesses are planning on utilizing technological advances now present