Large Employer's Case Study and Design

The BGH Large Employer’s Care Strategy and Plan Design Survey solicited information about employer approaches to health care & benefits in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Below are the key findings cited: -There’s been a 66% increase since 2018 in the share of companies stating that their healthcare strategy is an integral part of the workforce, with only 6% saying that healthcare is viewed separately from a workforce strategy. -80% believe virtual care will have a significant impact on how care is delivered in the future and 53% plan to implement more virtual care solutions. -36% plan to expand access to mental health services. -24% plan for a more focused strategy on high-cost claims -31% plan to drive the delivery system change approach and won’t wait to implement it -Only 19% of employers plan to take a wait-and-see approach when it comes to approaching health care delivery reform. Moving forward, more businesses are planning on utilizing technological advances now present ...